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Types of Blog Posts That Earn the Most Backlinks, According to HubSpot’s Link-Building Expert

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“As the HubSpot Blog’s Audience Growth Manager, one of my duties involves developing highly shareable blog posts that pull in non-organic traffic from sources like email, social media, and other websites. Through building non-organic traffic…Continue Reading →

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100+ Newsletter Content Ideas For Your Next Email

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Email marketing works best when you consistently engage your readers. But how do you keep coming up with fresh newsletter content ideas week in and week out? It’s hard! We’ve been doing this for a…Continue Reading →

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How to Edit Your Blog Posts in 7 Simple Steps

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“We often talk about being a great writer. But most great writers are also great editors, because chances are their first drafts were far from perfect. So here’s how to be a great editor of…Continue Reading →

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How to Design a User-Friendly WordPress Blog

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“You can run into the most amazing and interesting blog on the web, only to find out it’s a chore to navigate. When it comes to websites, good content alone doesn’t make for success –…Continue Reading →

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How To Decide What to Charge for (and What to Give Away for Free)

“Creating free content is one of the best ways to attract new potential customers. In this video, we’ll talk about how to know what to give away and what to charge for (with some extra…Continue Reading →

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Final Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Finishing Every Blog Post You Start

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“While it’s relatively easy to include images, audio and even video in posts these days, most blogs still rely heavily on written content. Which makes writer’s block a real problem when it hits. That’s why…Continue Reading →

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Why You Should Write

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“Words are the atomic unit of the internet. With the stroke of a pen, you can build your network, improve your thinking, and create opportunities for yourself. Until now, the internet has connected us with…Continue Reading →

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How Not to Bury The Lede in your Online Content

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“For the most part, writing has a single purpose: to communicate. That means that as writers, it is our job to get to the point as quickly and as concisely as possible. Burying the lede…Continue Reading →

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Why You Should Keep Writing (Even If No One Is Reading)

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“Finally, you hit ‘publish’. The blog post you’ve spent hours polishing, making sure everything is perfect, is complete. Now you wait. One day. Then two. A week goes by, but only one or two people…Continue Reading →

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How to Get First-Time Visitors Interested in Your Blog

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“Last week we talked about to getting the word out about your blog so people will visit. This week I want to talk about the next stage of warming them up and turning them into…Continue Reading →

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