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9 Reasons Why You Should Build a Community Around Your Blog

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“One of the most common questions I hear from my readers is “How do I get my readers to interact with me?” Of course, there are plenty of answers I could give to that question….Continue Reading →

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How To Decide What to Charge for (and What to Give Away for Free)

“Creating free content is one of the best ways to attract new potential customers. In this video, we’ll talk about how to know what to give away and what to charge for (with some extra…Continue Reading →

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1,000 True Fans? Try 100

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“More than a decade ago, Wired editor Kevin Kelly wrote an essay called “1,000 True Fans,” predicting that the internet would allow large swaths of people to make a living off their creations, whether an…Continue Reading →

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18 Ways to Make More Money from Your Existing Website Traffic

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“Ever wonder how you can make more money from your website without increasing your traffic? That’s right! You don’t need to bring in more visitors to boost your sales. There are tons of ways to…Continue Reading →

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Working From Home? 14 Sanity-Saving Tools (+ 35 Pro Tips)

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“Working from home is the dream for many. For others, having to work from home is a nightmare — a paradigm shift brought on by a career change, personal tragedy, or the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But dream or…Continue Reading →

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How to Get Your Gravatar Photo to Show Up in Your Comments

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“You may have noticed that on many blogs or websites, a little photo of a person shows up beside their comment. But sometimes, all that appears is a gray ‘mystery man’ silhouette. Boring! However, you…Continue Reading →

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Best Blogging Niche – 7 That Will Make Money (Easily)

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“Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topics or niche to choose? Choosing the right niche for your blog makes it easier to create engaging content and even make money online….Continue Reading →

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How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business

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“Today I want to tell you some advice I received when I was starting out that I completely ignored completely but my friend took to heart. It’s a story about regret. And I hope it moves…Continue Reading →

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The Ultimate Guide on How To Start an Online Business in 2020

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“You’re in luck. You know why? Because you just discovered THE 8-chapter ultimate guide to learning how to start an online business in 2020 — with nothing more than a shoestring budget. Are you ready to…Continue Reading →

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The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step

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“WordPress security is a topic of huge importance for every website owner. Google blacklists around 10,000+ websites every day for malware and around 50,000 for phishing every week. If you are serious about your website,…Continue Reading →

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