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10 Types of Blogs That Make Money

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“Want to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? While starting a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many…Continue Reading →

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Types of Blog Posts That Earn the Most Backlinks, According to HubSpot’s Link-Building Expert

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“As the HubSpot Blog’s Audience Growth Manager, one of my duties involves developing highly shareable blog posts that pull in non-organic traffic from sources like email, social media, and other websites. Through building non-organic traffic…Continue Reading →

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How to Edit Your Blog Posts in 7 Simple Steps

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“We often talk about being a great writer. But most great writers are also great editors, because chances are their first drafts were far from perfect. So here’s how to be a great editor of…Continue Reading →

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9 Reasons Why You Should Build a Community Around Your Blog

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“One of the most common questions I hear from my readers is “How do I get my readers to interact with me?” Of course, there are plenty of answers I could give to that question….Continue Reading →

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21 Mistakes Bloggers Make (and How to Avoid Making Them Yourself)

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“When people interview me about blogging, I’m often asked about mistakes I’ve either made myself or seen others making. And the hardest part about answering that question isn’t coming up with them, but rather deciding…Continue Reading →

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How to Come Up With a Blog Name (With 50+ Examples)

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“Are you struggling to come up with catchy blog names? When you start a new blog, coming up with a good blog name can be really hard. Blog names play a huge role in how…Continue Reading →

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Final Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Finishing Every Blog Post You Start

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“While it’s relatively easy to include images, audio and even video in posts these days, most blogs still rely heavily on written content. Which makes writer’s block a real problem when it hits. That’s why…Continue Reading →

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9 Blogging Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got over Them

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“Today I want to talk about nine hurdles I’ve faced as a blogger, and how I got over them. While you may never have to deal with them all, chances are there’s at least one…Continue Reading →

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Why Automated Curation Never Works

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“This is a big topic around here. I’ve seen many automated content curation tools popup now and then. Most of these are targeted to the IM crowd and promise big things. You also have other…Continue Reading →

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Tips for Increasing Blog Readability

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“As the way people consume content changes, so too do marketing strategies. This is also why blogging has become so popular these days. People want actionable insights that are engagingly written and cleverly presented. But…Continue Reading →

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