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All posts tagged: Motivation

Why You Should Keep Writing (Even If No One Is Reading)

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“Finally, you hit ‘publish’. The blog post you’ve spent hours polishing, making sure everything is perfect, is complete. Now you wait. One day. Then two. A week goes by, but only one or two people…Continue Reading →

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How to Develop and Maintain a Resilient Mindset

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“Mindset is a hot topic in the leadership world right now. Your mindset is the way you think and then act upon those thoughts. Which is why many believe that your mindset is the single…Continue Reading →

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Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It

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“Today I’m going to talk about imposter syndrome. Do you ever fear you’re about to be found out? That it’s only a matter of time before everyone realizes you’re not as smart as they thought…Continue Reading →

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Welcome To Impossible

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“Everybody likes to use this word impossible. I don’t think they know what it means. They say they want to do something impossible something no one has ever done before and they start out. Then…Continue Reading →

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How to Start A Business Without A Passion

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“Are you a lifestyle entrepreneur or hoping to become one and follow your passion? How do you build a career that gives you a greater degree of personal freedom and independence so that you can…Continue Reading →

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How Discomfort Can Push You to Do Your Best Work

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“Think about the problems in your life. Are you anxious or stressed on a regular basis because you’re miserable at work? Do you feel sick from unhealthy foods or hate what you see in the…Continue Reading →

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20 Blogging Milestones to Mark Your Journey from Rookie to A-list Blogger

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“The journey from newcomer to successful blogger isn’t always easy to track. Wouldn’t it be great if there were some milestones you could follow to figure out if you’re on the right path? From my…Continue Reading →

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How to Sustain Energy Levels While You Build Your Dream Biz

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“Are you ever confronted with the problem of finding enough time to do everything you’d like to do as an entrepreneur? Do you battle to focus on just one task and find yourself working on…Continue Reading →

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Get Your Focus Back!

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“As of this writing, I’ve been honored to speak one-on-one with over 3500 of our members. It’s been fun to help real people achieve their goals. During these calls, members have been free to ask…Continue Reading →

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Four Realities of Blogging Every Blogger Should Know About

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“Does it look like other bloggers achieve success really easily? Maybe they’re content machines, pumping out great post after great post. Perhaps they’ve just launched yet another course, or have an amazingly swish new design…Continue Reading →

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