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Six First Income Streams Recommended for Bloggers

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“If you’ve been blogging for a while but haven’t started monetizing your blog, you might be wondering what income stream you should add first. This can be a sticking point, whether you’re a new blogger…Continue Reading →

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How To Format Your Blog Posts So People Are Actually Reading

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“In content marketing, your blog post format plays a critical role. You can write the highest-quality piece of content in your niche and industry, but if your formatting is off and hard to navigate, you’ll…Continue Reading →

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Little-Known Ways to Write Fascinating Bullet Points

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“Oh, those magical bullet points. What would blog posts, sales letters, and bad PowerPoint presentations be without them? Bullet points are so common because readers like them. But typical bullet points are kinda lame ……Continue Reading →

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One Ridiculously Easy Addition to Enhance the Power of Your Blog Posts

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The overall aim of your blog is to help your audience with the issues they struggle with while also educating them on what they need to know to do business with you. That’s too much…Continue Reading →

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13 Things All Successful Blogs Have in Common

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“‘Blog’ isn’t a four-letter word any longer. It’s not a joke or a waste of time. A blog can be an incredibly profitable, sound way of making a living. What’s interesting is that if you…Continue Reading →

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How to Get Free Stuff As a Content Creator

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“One of the hardest parts about being a content creator is coming up with ideas for content. What’s even harder is when you have fantastic ideas for content, but it’s based around a product or…Continue Reading →

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How to Start a Blockbuster Blog

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“Building a blog is a lot like building a house. Minus the fact that building a house is way more difficult, labor intensive, and, oh yeah, super expensive. Building a blog from scratch requires you…Continue Reading →

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Becoming a Better Blogger

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“Becoming a better blogger is just like becoming a better guitarist There’s no way you become a great (or even decent) guitarist without picking up a guitar, grabbing a music book, learning where the notes…Continue Reading →

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7 Types of Articles Your Readers & Search Engines Will Love

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“Have you ever faced the sobering truth, that no matter how frequently you publish articles, your website is just not picking up on organic results? This is a common issue. But what if I told…Continue Reading →

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3 Quick Ways to Transmogrify Photos with Smart Cropping

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“Cut it out. Cut out the boring parts. Cut out the irrelevant. Cut out the extraneous details that take away from the big visual story. You may know that cropping a photo is one of…Continue Reading →

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