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All posts tagged: Blogging Tips

Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Taxonomies

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“The WordPress taxonomy gets a bad rap. It’s often misunderstood and misused (and that’s if the feature is used at all). But being able to set up custom WordPress taxonomies is your new secret weapon….Continue Reading →

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21 Mistakes Bloggers Make (and How to Avoid Making Them Yourself)

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“When people interview me about blogging, I’m often asked about mistakes I’ve either made myself or seen others making. And the hardest part about answering that question isn’t coming up with them, but rather deciding…Continue Reading →

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9 Blogging Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got over Them

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“Today I want to talk about nine hurdles I’ve faced as a blogger, and how I got over them. While you may never have to deal with them all, chances are there’s at least one…Continue Reading →

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One Ridiculously Easy Addition to Enhance the Power of Your Blog Posts

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The overall aim of your blog is to help your audience with the issues they struggle with while also educating them on what they need to know to do business with you. That’s too much…Continue Reading →

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13 Things All Successful Blogs Have in Common

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“‘Blog’ isn’t a four-letter word any longer. It’s not a joke or a waste of time. A blog can be an incredibly profitable, sound way of making a living. What’s interesting is that if you…Continue Reading →

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