Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“Oh, those magical bullet points. What would blog posts, sales letters, and bad PowerPoint presentations be without them?

  • Bullet points are so common because readers like them.
  • But typical bullet points are kinda lame … kinda like this one.
  • So let’s start making our bullet points downright fascinating.

Before we get to the graduate level, we’ve got to nail the basics.

So, here are the five cardinal rules for general bullet points that convey your points clearly:”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: If I could choose to master just one area of copywriting, it would be bullet points. Man, they are powerful! Bullet points are the first things I read on a long, never-ending sales page. I can quickly scan the benefits of the product or service I’m looking at without having to read the details, if I choose. It’s a really bad pun, but if you want to learn how to create killer bullets, check out the article.