Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“Becoming a better blogger is just like becoming a better guitarist

There’s no way you become a great (or even decent) guitarist without picking up a guitar, grabbing a music book, learning where the notes and positions are, and this is the most important part, practicing the guitar.

You don’t play the song the right way the first time. You don’t play it perfectly. Instead, you play, and you play, and you play – again and again and again – until you get good.

And the same is true for blogging.

You want to get better at writing. You must write. Not a little. A lot. Consistently.

Because the bad stuff you do, the mistakes you make, go away after time. But you have to put in the time to make everything work.”

Read and watch the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I can build blogs practically with my eyes shut. But that wasn’t always the case. I can remember vividly how hard everything seemed at first. I didn’t think I’d ever figure it all out. I’d spend hours reading tutorials, watching videos and then digging into the actual work in WordPress to bring a blog to life. I did the work over and over again and got better and better as time went by. That’s what Chris Lema talks about in this article and video. The video is a free 20-minute video workshop on getting better at writing regularly. Good stuff.