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The art of Alt Text

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“A question that I frequently get when I talk about accessibility for social media is, “How do I write good alternative text for the pictures I post?” If you’re not familiar with alternative text—more commonly…Continue Reading →

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How to Add Featured Posts in WordPress Sidebar

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“Do you want to add a featured posts section in the sidebar of your WordPress website? Displaying your top content as featured posts in the sidebar can help you drive more traffic to your pillar…Continue Reading →

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Every Web Page Your Website Should (And Could) Contain

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Are you here to learn more about building your own website? We applaud you for taking on such an important project, and we know you probably have questions. “Many ask: “What website pages should my…Continue Reading →

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The Best Homepages Online: 16 Inspirational Examples

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“The homepage is the most important page on your website. It’s where most of your traffic will land, and where new visitors will form their first impressions of your business. And first impressions are everything….Continue Reading →

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Beginner’s Guide on How to Add a Link in WordPress

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“Do you want to add a hyperlink in WordPress? Recently, one of our users asked us how to add a link in WordPress. There are several different ways to add links in WordPress. You can…Continue Reading →

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The Key Elements Of A Well-Structured Website

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“A job well-done is when visitors come to your website and find exactly what they’re looking for while you keep them engaged and guide them towards the desired goal. You can accomplish this by using…Continue Reading →

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9 website design best practices to use in 2020

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“Do you know how long it takes for people to decide whether they’re staying on your website? Probably less time than it took you to read the headline and this sentence. Are you still here?…Continue Reading →

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How to Build Landing Pages With WordPress and Beaver Builder: A Complete Guide

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“Developing a marketing campaign can be daunting, especially when it comes to designing landing pages. There’s a healthy dose of marketing science that goes into creating them, which may make you hesitant to try them…Continue Reading →

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How To Find Awesome Free Images & Use Them Like a Pro On Your Website

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“We’ve all been there. You’ve worked hard to write an amazing blog post or build a new homepage for your website… …something your online followers are really going to love. But now you’re faced with…Continue Reading →

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6 Tips for Creating and Using a Logo Effectively on Your WordPress Site

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“In short, your company logo is the symbol of your brand. It’s the emblem most often and widely used to promote your business, and the mark many customers will identify you by. One of the…Continue Reading →

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