Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Today I want to tell you some advice I received when I was starting out that I completely ignored completely but my friend took to heart.

It’s a story about regret. And I hope it moves you to take more action on building your blog and your business.

‘Don’t Give Up Your Day Job’

Back in 2004, a lot of people told me, ‘Don’t give up your day job’.

I’d been blogging for about a year and a half, and I was starting to see that it was possible to make money blogging.

At first, I didn’t tell anyone about my dream of going full time as a blogger. But as my income began to grow, I told a few friends and family members.

Some of them humoured me. But a lot of them said, ‘Don’t give up your day job’.

While they often said this jokingly, their advice was well-intentioned. But over the course of about a year, I gradually did give up my day job. Or, to be more accurate, day jobs. I was working a bunch of different jobs, as well as studying part time. I became a full-time blogger. And fifteen years on, I’m still doing it.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: The takeaway quote for me: “Do something today.” Do that and you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else that sits on their butt and does nothing. Here’s a Christmas video that was made in 1970 that helps illustrate this principle nice.
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