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How To Choose The Best CDN For WordPress

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“If you’re serious about speeding up your site and you’ve optimized the heck out of it (smushed images, minified CSS and JavaScript, set up a caching plugin…), it’s time to think about signing up to…Continue Reading →

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Is Your Website Ready for Voice Search?

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“Listen carefully; The rise of smart speakers is pushing the voice search trend. Voice is expected to be a £40 million channel by 2022. This article explains why you need to get voice search ready…Continue Reading →

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4 Types of Money-Making Articles Every Blogger Should Write (Examples Included!)

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“Do you know how to make money with your blog? Unfortunately, many bloggers can’t honestly answer that question with a confident and resounding, “Yes!” There’s a common misconception that if you write well, then you’ll…Continue Reading →

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What is cPanel? A Beginner’s Guide

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“If you are getting into web development, design, and management, then you have surely encountered cPanel when trying to get things done. This dashboard full of icons is an important tool for all the tasks…Continue Reading →

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The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step

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“WordPress security is a topic of huge importance for every website owner. Google blacklists around 10,000+ websites every day for malware and around 50,000 for phishing every week. If you are serious about your website,…Continue Reading →

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How to Optimize Images for Web Performance without Losing Quality

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“Did you know that optimizing your images before uploading to WordPress can have a huge impact on your website speed? When starting a new blog, many beginners simply upload images without optimizing them for web….Continue Reading →

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How to Regenerate Thumbnails and Crop Images in WordPress

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“As web designers and developers, we know how important it is to have the right image sizes and thumbnails when working on a project. WordPress has a default rule for image thumbnails and so do…Continue Reading →

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How to Leverage Graphics to Create a Positive User Experience

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“Imagine being stuck on a webpage that reads like an endless word document containing streams of black-and-white text. Not only are you unlikely to actually read the text, but such a website would also not…Continue Reading →

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How to Legally Use Copyrighted Images [Infographic]

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“With so much emphasis on visual content these days, it can be hard for businesses to keep up with their image demands, and continue to post high quality, relevant photos and graphics. The ideal solution,…Continue Reading →

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From A to Z: How to Password Protect Different Areas of Your WordPress Site

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“There may be times when you want to limit access to certain areas or all of your WordPress website without creating a membership site. The solution is password protection! Unlike membership sites, password protection doesn’t…Continue Reading →

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