Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“There may be times when you want to limit access to certain areas or all of your WordPress website without creating a membership site. The solution is password protection!

Unlike membership sites, password protection doesn’t require users to sign up and log in. They only need a password to unlock and access the protected content.

Not only can you protect an entire website, but you can also make it partly private, partly public. In fact, there are seven areas on your site that you can restrict access. This article walks you through the use cases as well as the solutions to password protect each WordPress area:”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I know this sounds techy and scary, but it can be as easy as one click in your WordPress post editor. The article lists 7 ways you can do this including simple plugins ranging from free to paid. And yes, there is one sort-of-techy thing you can do to protect your entire site, but even that is easier once you know how to do it.
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