Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“With so much emphasis on visual content these days, it can be hard for businesses to keep up with their image demands, and continue to post high quality, relevant photos and graphics.

The ideal solution, of course, is to establish your own collection of original visual content to use, but that’s often not possible, either due to time or capacity constraints. In that case, marketers and publishers will turn to the web for visual resources – but usage of the images you find via Google Images and the like can be risky, and could get your business in legal trouble, if you’re not careful.

To help you avoid such, the team from Visme have put together this flow chart on digital image use, which provides pointers on where to seek permission, when you need to do so, and what you should look out for.

And in addition to the flow chart, Visme has also put together a Fair Use Checklist (below the infographic), providing additional insight on usage rules.

Make sure you take care in what, and how, you post with these tips.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I’ve mentioned this elsewhere here on Done For You Blog, but it bears repeating. Don’t mess around with copyrighted/protected images. Big media companies have lawyers that watch the Internet like hawks waiting for the opportunity to sue users of their copyrighted materials. I understand the need to protect copyrighted materials, but the fees are exorbitant and going after the “little” guy trying to get a blog or website started online seems like overkill.

Still, be warned. When in doubt, just don’t use the images/videos, etc. Here’s an article that shows you how to search for images on Google that are free and safe for you to use.
