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All posts tagged: Tech Tips

What is cPanel? A Beginner’s Guide

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“If you are getting into web development, design, and management, then you have surely encountered cPanel when trying to get things done. This dashboard full of icons is an important tool for all the tasks…Continue Reading →

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Ultimate Guide to Integrating Zapier with WordPress Form Plugins

Format: Tutorial | Category: | Tag: ,

“You’ve just designed the perfect form that’s going to hook your leads like fish at the end of a line, and you’re ready to reel them in. But what happens when the responses come flooding in?…Continue Reading →

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The different Types of Website Caching and How to Clear Them

Format: Podcast | Category: , | Tag:

“So basically caching, and there’s different types of cache we’re gonna go through them, but most of the time when someone’s referring to caching, or clearing your cache, they’re probably talking about the server level…Continue Reading →

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