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Ultimate WordPress SEO Guide for Beginners (Step by Step)

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“Improving your WordPress SEO is crucial for getting more traffic to your website. Sadly most WordPress SEO guides are too technical for new users to get started. If you are serious about increasing your website…Continue Reading →

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What Can You Blog About When All the Good Ideas Are Already Taken?

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“When you’re trying to come up with a great idea for a blog post, does it seem like every topic has already been done to death? You might want to write about your ten favourite…Continue Reading →

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The Pros and Cons of Running Advertising on Your Blog

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“Do you run ads on your blog? Many bloggers do. In fact, people often start monetizing their blogs this way using an ad network such as Google AdSense. And many large websites are also supported by…Continue Reading →

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5 Things Your ‘About Us’ Page Should Have

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“Every website needs an “About Us” page. The “About Us” page is the second most visited page of your website, behind the Home page. You have a few seconds to convince the visitor to continue…Continue Reading →

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How to Choose the Niche that Will Make the Most Money

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“The very first step to becoming a blogger is to figure out what you want to blog about. This is often referred to as picking your “niche”. Even if you know what that means (and…Continue Reading →

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How to Maintain a Conversational Style As a Blogger While Maintaining a Professional Tone

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“I told my freshman composition and developmental writing students for nearly a decade that the whole point of writing is to communicate an idea. If your readers can’t understand what you’re talking about, it doesn’t…Continue Reading →

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How to Create a Book Out of Your Blog Content

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“Today’s writers don’t have to choose between managing a blog or writing a book. They can do both, and each effort can help the other. For many bloggers, taking the leap to write a book…Continue Reading →

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What Time of Day is Best to Publish to Your Blog?

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“When I started blogging (back in 2005, when RSS feeds were really big), I paid a lot of attention to when I published my posts because it seemed to affect how many people saw them….Continue Reading →

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Four Types of Blog Post to Create if You Don’t Want to Write Much

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“Do you get sick of writing sometimes? Even the most enthusiastic bloggers have days when they struggle to get the words out. Perhaps you’ve been writing a lot, or you simply aren’t feeling very creative….Continue Reading →

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What to Blog About: A Straight-Forward Guide for Content Creators

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“The hardest part about being a content creator isn’t creating the content. It’s coming up with the topics you’re creating the content about. If you’re putting out daily content (or even weekly), you can feel…Continue Reading →

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