Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“The hardest part about being a content creator isn’t creating the content. It’s coming up with the topics you’re creating the content about. If you’re putting out daily content (or even weekly), you can feel a dearth of topics to write on, speak on, or research. This problem becomes even more prevalent when you create for a highly specialized audience. You might feel as though you’ve covered everything that you can cover without repeating yourself. That’s rarely the case. And we want to guide you through some of the best ways to keep your queue full of fresh ideas.

How to Find What to Blog About

Figuring out what to blog about shouldn’t be as hard as it is. There are a number of ways you can approach the process, and none of them are wrong. There are, however, definitely more efficient ways to go about it, and those are the ones we want to discuss. Let’s start with the easier, more common ones that you’ll run across and move into the more in-depth ones.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Would it make you feel better to know that famous authors and professional bloggers sometimes don’t know what to write about? And would it surprise you to know that their first drafts are often rather crappy?

It can be tricky finding something to write about that interests you AND your reader. Thankfully, you live in an age where you can quickly find out what people are wanting to know and then you can craft your article, blog or product specifically for their interest. This article goes in-depth to show you how to efficiently find topics of interest for your audience, and never run out of ideas for article for your readers.

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