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All posts tagged: Facebook

We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites

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“As a freshman in high school, in the year of our lord 2002, I made a website called “Jason’s Site.” While a website named after myself and devoted to updates about my own life was…Continue Reading →

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Should I Be on All the Social Platforms?

Format: Podcast | Category: | Tag: , ,

Here are some of the key takeaways: It’s easy to feel pressured to be on all the social platforms. If you have the bandwidth to be everywhere, that’s great. Be on all the platforms. As…Continue Reading →

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The #1 Way To Protect Yourself From Future Algorithm Changes On Any Social Platform

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Facebook just made (yet another) change to their algorithm that has some business owners scrambling to recover. Some might lose everything they’ve worked for, and that’s pretty scary. So here’s how you can Facebook-proof your…Continue Reading →

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