Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“As a freshman in high school, in the year of our lord 2002, I made a website called “Jason’s Site.” While a website named after myself and devoted to updates about my own life was unspeakably vain for the time, it was also quite forward looking: The site has a news feed, an “about me” page, and an email mailing list for people to receive updates. I intended for it to be funded by reader donations. It had a section for Flash videos and photos, a guestbook, and a “friends” page that was literally a list of my friends. It had an ill-advised but nonetheless prescient “hot or not” section that featured photos of my friends and acquaintances and predated both Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s original idea for the social network, called ‘FaceMash.’

I updated the site regularly and obsessively for about three months, and then never returned to it. The site was embarrassing then and is embarrassing now, but abandoning it was a terrible mistake.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I totally agree. Why let someone else (the giants of Silicon Valley) have control over your hard work? Yes, they may own the platform, but they’re nothing without you. If you’re going to put that much effort into content and promotion, why not do it on your own terms? I just happen to know someone who can create an awesome, ready-to-go, professional blog for you. 🙂