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How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines (Beginner’s Guide)

Found in Blog | Category: SEO | Add a Comment“Recently, one of our readers asked us how to submit their WordPress site to search engines like Google? Search engines are the largest source of traffic for most websites. That’s why it is important to ensure that they can easily find and rank your website pages. In this article, we’ll show you how to easily…... Continue Reading →

10 Types of Blogs That Make Money

Found in Blog | Category: Blogging | Add a Comment“Want to know the most popular types of blogs that make money? While starting a blog is a great way to make money online, most beginners don’t know what type of blog to create. Many of you have probably wondered, what are the most popular types of blogs? If this is you, then you’re in…... Continue Reading →

How to Add Dark Mode to Your WordPress Website (Easy)

Found in Blog | Category: Productivity | Add a Comment“Do you want to add dark mode to your WordPress site? Many devices now come with native dark mode support. Adding a dark mode to your website automatically adapts your design to your users’ browser preference. You can even add a dark mode switcher toggle to your site as well. In this article, we’ll show…... Continue Reading →

Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Taxonomies

Found in Blog | Category: WordPress | Add a Comment“The WordPress taxonomy gets a bad rap. It’s often misunderstood and misused (and that’s if the feature is used at all). But being able to set up custom WordPress taxonomies is your new secret weapon. Using them, you can provide a fantastic user experience for your readers, for Google’s SEO crawlers, and for your writers…... Continue Reading →

Types of Blog Posts That Earn the Most Backlinks, According to HubSpot’s Link-Building Expert

Found in Blog | Category: Blogging, Content Marketing | Add a Comment“As the HubSpot Blog’s Audience Growth Manager, one of my duties involves developing highly shareable blog posts that pull in non-organic traffic from sources like email, social media, and other websites. Through building non-organic traffic tactics for my team, I’ve learned that referral traffic — which comes from other sites backlinking to our content —…... Continue Reading →

How to Create and Edit Menu Navigation in WordPress

Found in Blog | Category: WordPress | Add a Comment  “The navigation menu is one of the most important elements of your website. Without it, your visitors will not be able to get to the content they need, won’t understand what content you offer, and will generally exist in a state of confusion regarding your site. Unfortunately, the WordPress menu system is not the…... Continue Reading →

How to Create Products and Sell Them on Your Blog

Found in Blog | Category: Ecommerce | Add a Comment“This week I want to talk about creating a product for your blog. Last month I talked about my various profit streams, and how nearly a third of my profits come from product sales. And that’s obviously one good reason to create and sell products – it’s a great way to monetize your blog. But…... Continue Reading →

How to Show Images From Multiple Instagram Accounts in the Same Feed on WordPress

Found in Blog | Category: Social Media | Add a Comment“Instagram is an excellent way to increase your brand awareness. You can even differentiate your content and post different images on each channel. However, featuring multiple Instagram feeds on your website can be tricky. Smash Balloon is a handy plugin that will help you show images from multiple Instagram accounts in the same feed on…... Continue Reading →

100+ Newsletter Content Ideas For Your Next Email

Found in Blog | Category: Content Marketing | Add a Comment marketing works best when you consistently engage your readers. But how do you keep coming up with fresh newsletter content ideas week in and week out? It’s hard! We’ve been doing this for a long time and it’s always a challenge to come up with new ideas. So we decided to create a list…... Continue Reading →

How to Edit Your Blog Posts in 7 Simple Steps

Found in Blog | Category: Blogging, Content Marketing | Add a Comment“We often talk about being a great writer. But most great writers are also great editors, because chances are their first drafts were far from perfect. So here’s how to be a great editor of your own work and have people think you’re a great writer, too. Step 1. Plan what you’re going to write…... Continue Reading →

The art of Alt Text

Found in Blog | Category: Design & Development | Add a Comment“A question that I frequently get when I talk about accessibility for social media is, “How do I write good alternative text for the pictures I post?” If you’re not familiar with alternative text—more commonly known as alt text—it’s the written copy that describes the content of an image in a digital space and plays…... Continue Reading →

How to Design a User-Friendly WordPress Blog

Found in Blog | Category: Content Marketing | Add a Comment“You can run into the most amazing and interesting blog on the web, only to find out it’s a chore to navigate. When it comes to websites, good content alone doesn’t make for success – the entire experience needs to be enjoyable. Think about your blog as a library. It needs to be inviting, easy…... Continue Reading →

A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

Found in Blog | Category: Affiliate Marketing | Add a Comment“Affiliate marketing is a time-tested approach to monetizing your blog. If you’re patient enough to break into a profitable niche and build up an audience, it can earn you a decent bit of money. However, to succeed in the first place, you need to find an affiliate program that’s a good fit. For most people new…... Continue Reading →

How to Add Featured Posts in WordPress Sidebar

Found in Blog | Category: Design & Development | Add a Comment“Do you want to add a featured posts section in the sidebar of your WordPress website? Displaying your top content as featured posts in the sidebar can help you drive more traffic to your pillar articles. In this article, we’ll show you how to easily display featured posts in WordPress sidebar using multiple methods. Why…... Continue Reading →

How to Edit a Podcast in Audacity

Found in Blog | Category: Multimedia | Add a Comment“Audacity is one of the top audio editing apps available today. Part of the reason for that, is that it’s free to download and use because it’s open source. The other part is that it’s powerful and fully capable of putting together professional audio just as well as Adobe Audition or Apple’s Pro Tools. Regardless…... Continue Reading →

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