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Smart Podcast Player Lets You Capture Your Listeners’ Email Addresses

Format: Wordpress Plugin | Category: , | Tag: , , ,

“The Smart Podcast Player is the only customizable web-based player designed to make binge listening easy—while keeping listeners on your website. And while the full player puts the focus on your archive, the individual player—we…Continue Reading →

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How to Check If Your WordPress Blog Posts Are Ranking for the Right Keywords

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“Do you want to check if your WordPress posts are ranking for the right keywords? Most beginners manually check rankings for their articles by typing keywords in Google. This does not give you an accurate…Continue Reading →

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14-Point Blog Post Checklist to Use Before You Hit Publish

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“Ever wondered if professional bloggers have some sort of checklist that they use before publishing their blog posts? Yup most of them do. In this article, I’ll share my 14-point blog post checklist that you…Continue Reading →

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How to Set SMART Goals (With 5 Examples)

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“When setting personal goals, specificity is king. For example, just challenging yourself to “do more work” is way too vague, as you’ve got no way of tracking your progress, and no endpoint. Simply put, if…Continue Reading →

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If I Had to Start a Blog From Scratch, I Would…

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“You’ve seen me and thousands of other marketers talk about how to make a blog popular. But if you don’t set up your blog correctly, you won’t do well no matter what kind of marketing…Continue Reading →

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Yes, You Can Earn an Independent Living Doing Something You Care About

Format: Podcast | Category: , | Tag:

“Are you struggling to stay motivated in your business? Are you doubting your chops as an entrepreneur? Do you need a reminder of why you got into the game in the first place? You need…Continue Reading →

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Do You Work from Home? Make Sure You Do This.

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“A growing portion of the people that read this site work from home because they want to build their own business, be closer to family, or just explore a new and modern career path on…Continue Reading →

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How to Create a Privacy Policy for Your Website

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“Privacy policies are one of the most overlooked aspects of most websites. If you stop to look around most of the popular sites you visit, you’ll find they all have unique privacy policies (though the…Continue Reading →

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How I Made My First Dollar Online

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“For many of us, making a dollar online doesn’t seem like a big win. But to the millions of people out there starting new blogs and online businesses the idea of earning that first buck…Continue Reading →

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How to Grow a WordPress Site: Run It Like a Business

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When you think about the best way to manage your WordPress site, your first thought probably goes to the three S’s: security, speed, and SEO. While these are essential parts of maintaining and managing the…Continue Reading →

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