The art of Alt Text

“A question that I frequently get when I talk about accessibility for social media is, “How do I write good alternative text for the pictures I post?” If you’re not familiar with alternative text—more commonly known as alt text—it’s the written copy that describes the content of an image in a digital space and plays…Continue Reading →

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How to Edit a Podcast in Audacity

“Audacity is one of the top audio editing apps available today. Part of the reason for that, is that it’s free to download and use because it’s open source. The other part is that it’s powerful and fully capable of putting together professional audio just as well as Adobe Audition or Apple’s Pro Tools. Regardless…Continue Reading →

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The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2020

“Nowadays, marketers put a lot of emphasis on chatbots, Instagram influencers, and other new opportunities to reach their customers. But your contemporary communication methods shouldn’t distract you from one of the oldest and yet most effective messaging channels — email. You might be wondering if email is still a worthwhile marketing strategy. Well, it is.…Continue Reading →

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1,000 True Fans? Try 100

“More than a decade ago, Wired editor Kevin Kelly wrote an essay called “1,000 True Fans,” predicting that the internet would allow large swaths of people to make a living off their creations, whether an artist, musician, author, or entrepreneur. Rather than pursuing widespread celebrity, he argued, creators only needed to engage a modest base…Continue Reading →

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