Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Nowadays, marketers put a lot of emphasis on chatbots, Instagram influencers, and other new opportunities to reach their customers.

But your contemporary communication methods shouldn’t distract you from one of the oldest and yet most effective messaging channels — email.

You might be wondering if email is still a worthwhile marketing strategy. Well, it is.

In fact, email generates $38 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 3,800% ROI, making it one of the most effective options available.

If you’re still hesitant, keep reading — we’ve cultivated a list of email marketing statistics for 2020 to demonstrate just how powerful email can be.”

Read the whole thing here.
Done For You Blog Says: If you were thinking that email is an old-fashioned way of marketing to your customers, think again. Did you know that there are nearly 4 billion daily email users? (Yes, that’s a “b” for billions.) Or that 35% of marketers send their customers 3-5 emails per week? That’s just a couple of nuggets I found in this very informative article. You’ll certainly think different about email marketing after reading it.