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All posts tagged: Wordpress Tips

Categories vs Tags – SEO Best Practices for Sorting your Content

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“Readers often ask us, what’s better for SEO: categories vs tags? You might not be sure what WordPress categories and tags actually are, and how they’re different. Knowing this can help you use them correctly….Continue Reading →

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40 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them

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“While WordPress is really easy to use, there are some common WordPress errors that can make you panic. The good thing is that the WordPress error you are seeing on your site is most likely…Continue Reading →

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How to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress

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“Do you want to create custom permalinks in WordPress for posts, pages, and other post types? Recently one of our readers asked if it was possible to create their own custom permalinks aka page URL…Continue Reading →

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How to Update Your PHP Version to Keep in Line with WordPress Recommendations

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“When a WordPress website is loaded, it runs on code. Once upon a time, that code was strictly HTML. Now, it’s a few different things, typically CSS, HTML and JavaScript. That’s the front-of-the-house, though. The…Continue Reading →

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Create A Custom Login Page For WordPress In Just Minutes

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“Do you know how to create a custom login page for WordPress? Or even why it’s a good idea for both your clients’ websites as well as your own? If you’re unfamiliar with the concept…Continue Reading →

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How to Create Custom Menu Structures in WordPress

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“Many people only think about the WordPress menu at the top of the site. They try to stuff it full of as many links as can fit in the header bar. That does not necessarily…Continue Reading →

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