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All posts tagged: Design Tips

Beginner’s Guide on How to Add a Link in WordPress

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“Do you want to add a hyperlink in WordPress? Recently, one of our users asked us how to add a link in WordPress. There are several different ways to add links in WordPress. You can…Continue Reading →

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9 website design best practices to use in 2020

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“Do you know how long it takes for people to decide whether they’re staying on your website? Probably less time than it took you to read the headline and this sentence. Are you still here?…Continue Reading →

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Why Parallax Scrolling Needs To Die

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“Remember about five years ago, when the new hotness in interaction design was to have flashy layers in your website scroll at different speeds, creating a faux-3D effect? The effect was called parallax scrolling, and…Continue Reading →

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Telephone Links: How to Add “Call-able” Links & CTA’s to Your Website

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“Many business websites show a phone number so their customers can contact them. When desktops were the most popular way to access the sites, users would make note of the phone number and call from…Continue Reading →

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