Done For You Blog

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Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Remember about five years ago, when the new hotness in interaction design was to have flashy layers in your website scroll at different speeds, creating a faux-3D effect? The effect was called parallax scrolling, and it’s still easy to find across the web.

According to the usability nerds at the Nielsen Norman Group, parallax scrolling never really went away–it just got more subtle. Take Apple’s iPad Pro site: It scrolls horizontally instead of vertically, but the visual elements still slide around at different speeds like the background of a retro video game. That’s a shame, because as Nielsen Norman Group researcher Katie Sherwin explains, this newer, subtler parallax effect still has all the same UX problems as the older, more obnoxious kind. All too often, it can cause pages to load slower, or it creates nonsensical interactions.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Honestly, the article is not that interesting. I included it here as a perfect example of design hypocrisy. The author talks about how parallax scrolling is a bad design concept and how it slows down websites. Meanwhile, you’re reading (or trying to read) an article on a page that has a GIANT video at the top of the page along with animations, ads, and more animations and more ads. I agree… parallax scrolling is annoying, but not nearly so as the web page that article lives on.