Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“In short, your company logo is the symbol of your brand. It’s the emblem most often and widely used to promote your business, and the mark many customers will identify you by.

One of the reasons logos are so important is because people’s attention spans are getting shorter.

A strong, unique logo is a way to grab their attention. People also tend to process images faster than text – 60,000 times faster, in fact.

You can have the wittiest business name or quality products and services but the first thing people will probably notice is your logo.

Consider what comes to mind when you think of companies such as Starbucks, Spotify, or Target.

You likely already have an image of their logo in your mind. These are just a few examples of how a well-crafted logo can make your brand more memorable.

Some of the most recognizable logos are also ones that tell stories.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I’ve designed hundreds of logos over the years and each one is a challenge to effectively convey quickly what the business is about. It’s a fine line between getting an attractive look and making sure the branding is correct for the business. It can be a lot of work to get the right balance. Of course, you can avoid all of that by letting me do it for you as part of my Fast Start Done For You Blog package. 🙂
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