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3 Ways You Can Leverage User-Generated Content and Reasons Why You Should

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“If you’re on social media, you’ve probably seen a lot of brands that share user-generated content. From a marketing standpoint, it’s a killer move. However, you need to approach it the right way in order…Continue Reading →

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60 Blog Post Ideas to Fill Your Content Calendar (Updated)

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“Having a hard time coming up with new blog post ideas to feed your content calendar? You sit down and are all ready to write but then 45 minutes has passed, you’re still staring at…Continue Reading →

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How to Update Your Blog Content to Keep It Relevant

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“You can write the most amazing blog post today and have it become irrelevant tomorrow. If you don’t take the time to update your blog content occasionally, by the time most people find it, it…Continue Reading →

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10 Sure-Fire Headline Templates that Work

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“Looking to add some new templates to your arsenal of headlines that work? People love quick and easy when it comes to solving a nagging problem. – Brian Clark Let’s move beyond the common ones…Continue Reading →

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10 Headline Blueprints That Work Like Crazy

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“If you are interested in making sales, driving traffic to your website, list building or affiliate marketing, then you probably know the importance of a great headline. It’s often been said that the ability to write great headlines is…Continue Reading →

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6 Grammar Rules Content Creators Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Break

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“Every language has a formula users are meant to abide by. For instance, there are many English grammar rules you need to keep in mind at all times to write “properly”. However, we believe some…Continue Reading →

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How to Maintain a Conversational Style As a Blogger While Maintaining a Professional Tone

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“I told my freshman composition and developmental writing students for nearly a decade that the whole point of writing is to communicate an idea. If your readers can’t understand what you’re talking about, it doesn’t…Continue Reading →

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Five Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb

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“One thing blogging and good copywriting share is a conversational style, and that means it’s fine to fracture the occasional rule of proper grammar in order to communicate effectively. Both bloggers and copywriters routinely end…Continue Reading →

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Top Tips for Effective Content Curation Strategies

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“The world of content curation is both enticing and intimidating. While curating content can be an efficient way to fill your site with posts and even improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), knowing how to…Continue Reading →

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How to Create an Editorial Calendar That Flawlessly Executes Your Content Marketing Strategy

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“To run a successful website, you need to plan ahead often. This means having a content marketing strategy that includes an editorial calendar. By implementing this, you’ll know exactly what type of content you’re going…Continue Reading →

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