Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“As the way people consume content changes, so too do marketing strategies. This is also why blogging has become so popular these days. People want actionable insights that are engagingly written and cleverly presented.

But while good content provides value for readers, it cannot just shine on its own. The way it interacts with its audience is much more important. You might have exceptional writing skills up your sleeve, but that alone won’t guarantee success. Great arguments are often left undiscovered under the weight of poor presentation.

This is where readability comes in. Readability refers to how easily your audience receives your message. Posts with better readability usually have greater outreach and a higher degree of engagement. Complex writing only makes it harder for your audience to engage with you in any meaningful way.

The crux of your content might be similar to others, but how you present it makes all the difference. With all this in mind, this post will outline a few key ways you can improve your blog’s readability.”

Read the whole thing here.
Done For You Blog Says: The very first suggestion is probably the most important: “Work on Your Outline”. I tend to be a seat-of-the-pants guy and just dive right in. But that’s not being very nice to my readers if there isn’t some kind of structure to the post that makes it er, more readable. Remember, you’re writing for your readers, not for yourself.