Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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So you need a way to add content to your membership site, keep that content organized, and help your members keep track of their progress. That’s what the Thrive Apprentice plugin does. It features drag and drop ease to create your basic course structure. Then it automatically creates the navigation structure (as in, next lesson), keeps track of the progress of your members, and even has a “Welcome Back” shortcode that automatically links to the last lesson your member looked at. Just to be clear, this is not a membership management plugin. You’ll still need a membership management plugin to protect your content.

Get more info here.

Done For You Blog Says: I generally build my own course pages using Beaver Builder and Beaver Themer. But I have used Thrive Apprentice and other course builder plugins like LifterLMS. Lifter LMS is more powerful and free to install, but they have an odd pricing model that can get expensive if you need add-on modules. Thrive Apprentice is a bit easier to learn to use and they do have good support in tutorial videos.