Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“When WordPress 5.0 brought in the Gutenberg editor it also brought a few new features to WordPress. Several of those features are seen in the form of blocks. One of those blocks is called Cover, which places a covered image with several customizable features within your post or page content.

Of course, WordPress still includes the option to specify a featured image for pages and posts. This raises several questions. Are covered images and featured images the same? If not, what are they and how are they used? What’s the difference? In this article, we’ll discuss covered image vs featured image in WordPress and answer each of these questions.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Sorry. At this writing, I’m just not a fan of Gutenberg blocks. Apparently, many others are also not fans since the WordPress Classic Editor plugin stands at 4 million plus downloads! To me, it’s like the WP development team were wracking their brains trying to come up with something new and cool… that nobody really wants. But getting back to main idea behind the article, I’m not using the Featured Image option on this site since I have more of a list-style way of presenting my content.