Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“One of the most potent forms of marketing for online courses is word-of-mouth referrals.

It doesn’t matter how many adverts you pay for, guest posts you publish or webinars you run, your potential customers want to know what someone else thinks about your online course before they buy.

A good marketer knows that once you’ve hooked a potential customer and they want your product, you need to remove all their excuses or reasons why they won’t buy.

And often their very last objections can be cured with testimonials.

Testimonials are your way of tapping into word-of-mouth marketing by providing a different voice to your own that can step in and whisk away a customer’s concerns just as their purchase anxiety starts to flare up.

But how can you capture such testimonials when you’re just starting out? Well, let’s look at 5 quick testimonial capture hacks you can deploy to get rave reviews early and send sales through the roof!”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Great article that really goes into depth about how to get powerful testimonials for your product/service. As the article mentions, testimonials often overcome any remaining objections your customer may have about clicking the button to purchase.