Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Do you know the ‘bounce rate’ for your site?

Bounce rate measures how many people leave your site from the page on which they arrive.

A low bounce rate is good … a high rate is fatal.

Here are four ways to lower your bounce rate so you sell more and build your list faster.

The idea is this … everyone who owns a website wants it to be “sticky.”

We want visitors to stay on our site long enough to see what we have to offer… and hopefully buy something.

In this regard, web sites and offline stores have something in common.

While we both suffer from our share of “tire kickers” (those who never intended to buy), we know that the longer a person stays in our store the greater the odds that they will buy something.

And much like an offline store, we entice them in every way we can to stay a while.

Here are four ways to make YOUR site sticky…”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: The “three tell” technique was new to me so I learned something brand new today. Charlie offers three other great tips in his usual quick-to-the-point, no-fluff manner. That’s what I like about reading his materials.