Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“As web designers and developers, we know how important it is to have the right image sizes and thumbnails when working on a project. WordPress has a default rule for image thumbnails and so do most themes. When you upload an image, WordPress will generate thumbnails and crop images to fit those default sizes. Your theme will do the same. But sometimes, default is just not good enough.

When you change themes, the thumbnails generated by the previous theme might not look right. The featured image or profile image sizes might be different. These differences in your thumbnail gallery can cause problems in the design, ultimately making the site look bad.

That’s why sometimes it’s necessary to regenerate thumbnails or even crop images after changing themes. Doing this manually is a huge endeavor, especially for a site with a large media library. Thankfully, there are plugins which can help you out. In this post, we will look at one of them, Image Regenerate & Select Crop.

This plugin is open-source software and is available in the WordPress Plugin directory. It’s updated regularly and works with the newest versions of WordPress and Divi. Let’s take a look at how the plugin can help you with thumbnail regeneration and image cropping from inside the media library.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I’m familiar with a lot of image plugins, but I had not heard of this one. There’s a quick overview video in that article too that shows you how to use the plugin and how it integrates nicely with your WordPress media library.
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