How to Copyright Your Website’s Content

Your website’s content is valuable, especially if it’s tied to your income. Therefore, protecting it from people who might want to copy and redistribute it without your permission is vital. This will help you maintain your site’s and business’ integrity, and avoid missing out on revenue. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of acquiring…Continue Reading →

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How to Become a Freelance Writer in 2019

“Back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and Sean started Location Rebel the easiest way to get into freelance writing was via something called SEO writing. Basically, it was writing short 300-500 word articles that had a keyword in it for some company that was hoping to rank for that keyword. Hence the name, SEO (search…Continue Reading →

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Stay user-oriented up to the 404 page

“Not a discovery: design is getting more and more human. Finally, we design rather for living people than robots (Hey, SEO!). Copyright and microcopies, chatbots — they aren’t for a tick anymore, but for better interactions between you, your product and the user. The 404 page, which is my today’s emphasis, is another stop on…Continue Reading →

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