Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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A hit counter, glittery animated GIFs, Comic Sans and an under construction sign – just like 90s websites have evolved from questionable DIY projects to beautiful designs, so have newsletters.

In 2019, you have all the tools to create eye-catching newsletter designs and fill it with kickass content.

Can your newsletter use a little sparkle? A modern makeover? Read on to discover what 2019 newsletter best practices you can apply today to improve your layout design and content instantly.

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: This article is more about visual design and eye-catching elements in your newsletter. Just because something is a trend doesn’t mean everyone is going to do it. Some of the best newsletters I get are just plain text but formatted nicely. I bet their open rates are better than image-heavy newsletters too. Guess it just depends on the audience you’re serving.