Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“Have you ever faced the sobering truth, that no matter how frequently you publish articles, your website is just not picking up on organic results?

This is a common issue.

But what if I told you that it’s possible to spice up your blog with certain article types that, besides engaging your readers, also please search engines?

We recently added a new feature to Thrive Architect, called Content Blocks. These new content templates are ‘Content Block Elements’ with a preformatted layout that you can add to your article with only a few clicks. This new feature will help you organize your content into a nice layout without having to do any formatting yourself.

In this post, we discuss how can you use these Content Blocks to build up specific content types your readers and search engines will love.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Everybody gets writer’s block at some point. So if you’re having one of those days when you can’t think of something to write about, just over to this article for some quick inspiration and ideas.
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