Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“I still vividly remember the days before Location Rebel (then Location 180) where I’d sit in my cubicle reading blog posts about location independence from Chris Guillebeau.

The office building I worked at had an outdoor garden patio, where I used to go during my breaks to sit and daydream about someplace more exotic.

I’d pretend I was sitting in a garden in Hong Kong for instance. Other days I’d run along the river in downtown Portland and pretend that I was running on the beach in Bali.

In some ways I think these daydreams helped to fast track my goal of actually being in these places.

In almost ten (!) years since then, I’ve talked to a lot of people who have built successful businesses – and a lot of people who have failed.

Throughout all of this, there have been a variety of industries that over and over again I see people have success in.

Some are easier than others to start. Some have more monetary upside. But ALL of them allow you to work from anywhere you’d like.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: My preference would be #2 while sitting in the volcanic hot springs of the Tabacon resort in Costa Rica. The headline does say “anywhere on earth”!