Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“What are the necessary steps to take to start selling online courses?

Do you need to be at a certain level before you should start thinking about that at all?

How do we pitch online courses at the right level and niche to maximize our reach and potential?

The world of learning and the promotion of web-based resources and teaching has evolved very quickly over the last few years and as it has grown and changed, new companies have sprung up and filled spaces some of us never even knew existed. With the multitude of options out there, you might be wondering where can your content fits in and if there is even space for you?

In this episode, we have a big discussion on this fertile topic, looking at pillar content, accelerator models and the big one: personalization and segmentation! Our panel of guests gives amazing perspectives on referrals, funnels, scaling and outsourcing.

Today on the show we are joined by Janelle Allen from Zen Courses, Barrett Brooks of ConvertKit and Brennan Dunn from RightMessage! These three friends of Fizzle all have valuable and contrasting experience in the fields of online learning and we promise they have all the beans to spill!

We also talk about using your collected data smartly, when or if to hire a virtual assistant, baselines to reach before creating courses and how far you should niche down.

So for all this and a whole lot more, join us on the Fizzle Show today!”

Listen to the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: If you feel like a “pretender” when thinking about offering a course online, join the club. Almost everyone feels that way. Like you don’t know enough. You’re not well-known. You don’t yet have an audience.

But here’s the good news: you only need to know a little more than the people you’re teaching. And you can do that easily enough by just learning a little more yourself. Most people won’t take the time to do the research for themselves, so you’re doing them a huge service by packaging the info into a course and offering it to them in easy-to-digest modules/chapters/sections. That’s all an online course is!

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