Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Take a look at your membership site—are your visitors compelled to take action anywhere?

Your call to action (CTA) is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy on your website, and it can easily be the difference between a successful membership program and a failing membership program.

In this post, we’re going to show you why CTAs are so important, how to begin implementing them into your membership website, and how to ensure that they are irresistible!

What is a CTA?

Call to action, or CTA, is a term that describes any phrase or word intended to motivate a customer to take a specific action.

With CTAs, you can encourage people who are visiting your membership site, following you on social media, or reading your emails to take a specific action with your membership. This can include doing things such as joining, upgrading their membership, taking advantage of a sale, or whatever your specific goal may be.

CTAs can be a button, link, or form that clearly communicates to users that, if they perform a specific action, they’ll benefit in a certain way. It could be things like entering a contest, receiving a freebie in their email, or subscribing to updates on your business blog.

The main goal of a CTA is to increase interaction with your business, which will lead to increased conversions.”

Read the whole thing here.
Done For You Blog Says: Crafting a good call to action is hard work, but worth the time when the orders starting coming in. You have a lot of competition online so it’s your job to not only get your customer’s attention, but help them to make a decision to click on your offer. Great tips for that in this article.
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