Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“It’s time to let you in on a little secret, starting a business is easy.

Think about it. You feel invincible and the buzz of excitement around the dreaming and planning stages is undeniable.

Perhaps you seek location independence, or you want to work from home to spend more time with your kids.

You’re excited, everything is shiny and new. You stand in front of a world of limitless possibilities!

But once you’ve made some progress and that initial buzz wears off, it’s all too easy to come crashing back down to earth. You realize that eventually, everything becomes work and where excitement and opportunity once lifted you up, fear now creeps and settles in.

When fear overtakes your thoughts and emotions, suddenly the temporary barrier of excitement you once had is no more. Without that barrier, self-sabotage is bound to happen.

Before we move on, let’s dig in a little bit more to what we mean when I say ‘self-sabotage’.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Yep. Guilty as charged. I thought maybe the author was writing about me. Chances are, she was writing about you too. Don’t beat yourself up though. It’s fairly common among humans. Otherwise, there would be no need for the thousands of books that have been written over the centuries about self-improvement and personal development. Hmmm. Our self-sabotage is making other people rich?