Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“You’ve poured your time and energy into a blog post. It’s formatted perfectly with links and media. You’ve sent it into the world for everyone to ooh and aah over. Then you do it again with a brand new post. And then another one.

Before you know it, that post you spent so much time on is buried, the information is no longer relevant and you’ve completely abandoned your marketing efforts for it.

Your hard work doesn’t have to have such a short shelf life, though. By spending time updating your older content, you can get traction out of the work you’ve already done and ease the burden of having to come up with completely new articles every single day.

Schedule WordPress content updates to freshen up your content and keep readers interested. Adding new information can update your article instead of leaving it with outdated information, and brands that know about upcoming events or sales can pre-schedule the changes to go live on a specific date.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: The native version of WordPress does not have an option to do this automatically. There are some work arounds, but this article shows you a quick and easy way to schedule WordPress content updates to publish automatically.