Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“Last week I talked about the four stages of warming up your readers and turning them into raving fans. Well, today I’ll show you how to smash through that first stage: getting the word out about your blog.

As a teenager, you may have once pined over a boy or girl and thought, They don’t even know I exist. Well, it can feel just as bad when you create a new blog and no-one seems to be reading it. In fact, it may be even worse because Google Analytics will confirm your suspicions without a hint of sympathy.

The problem is that with more than a billion registered websites out there on the World Wide Web, the chances of someone stumbling onto your new blog is pretty remote. Even when they know about your blog, the number is visitors you get could be relatively small. In a good month, Digital Photography School, gets four or five million visitors. But when you think about how many digital camera owners there are in the world, it’s actually a relatively small percentage.

So how do we get all those people surfing the web to take a look at your blog? Well, here are four things you should try.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: The old saying, “the harder I work, the luckier I get” applies here. It’s a busy, noisy world out there and to get noticed you’ll have to make it happen. Darren Rowse breaks the process down into 4 manageable steps that don’t seem quite so overwhelming. You can do this… just follow the steps!
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