Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Once you make the decision to create a membership site, the next logical step is to wonder HOW to create it.

Whilst this seems like it should be a simple question, in reality the ‘how’ of creating a membership site can be a bit of a minefield. There are just so many different tools and plugins out there for creating a membership site these days that it can be hard to choose.

The first question to ask yourself is whether you want to create your membership site with WordPress, which we think gives the most flexibility and customisability. If you don’t want to use WordPress then check out this post on non-WordPress membership options.

If you’ve already decided to use WordPress for your membership site then you may have done some research into the membership plugins available. If so you’re probably aware that there are a LOT of them, and it can be somewhat overwhelming trying to choose between them. There are in fact over 50 WordPress membership plugins out there!

Let’s narrow those options down a bit though, to the 10 most popular membership plugins right now:”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: The Membership Guys nailed it with this line in particular: “Even narrowing the options down, it’s no surprise that many people become stuck and paralysed when it comes to trying to decide which membership plugin to use.” You can spend a lot of time trying to decide on the right one for your particular situation, but their advice is on the money too: “Make a choice and stick with it”. I chose MemberPress for my needs and I’ve been happy with it.