How to Start a Blockbuster Blog

“Building a blog is a lot like building a house. Minus the fact that building a house is way more difficult, labor intensive, and, oh yeah, super expensive. Building a blog from scratch requires you to really contemplate what you’re trying to accomplish and what you want this “thing” to look like. You should think…Continue Reading →

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How To Blast Out of Obscurity

“Are you an entrepreneur struggling with getting traction in the online world? Are you a person who has something important to say to the world, but don’t yet know how to reach out with that message? Fear not, friend. It’s possible for you to blast out of online obscurity quicker than you might expect. This…Continue Reading →

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Becoming a Better Blogger

“Becoming a better blogger is just like becoming a better guitarist There’s no way you become a great (or even decent) guitarist without picking up a guitar, grabbing a music book, learning where the notes and positions are, and this is the most important part, practicing the guitar. You don’t play the song the right…Continue Reading →

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