Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | ,
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“Are you a lifestyle entrepreneur or hoping to become one and follow your passion? How do you build a career that gives you a greater degree of personal freedom and independence so that you can spend your time living the life you want, doing the stuff that makes you happy? On the Fizzle Show we always steer you toward earning a living from doing something that you actually care about, or at the very least, not doing a job you hate!

In this episode, we get into the intricacies of entrepreneurship, and we’re not interested in what worked yesterday; we are more concerned about what works today — for you. Whether it’s watching Netflix or hanging out with friends, are you digging your life right now? Whatever you are into, you probably need some skrilla to finance it and you need to be doing something sustainable so that you don’t run out.”

Listen to the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: My favorite takeaway idea in the podcast is this: “Getting away from the same boring template and doing things your own way.” There’s no transcript provided, but they do provide a timeline of key points in the podcast so that you can skip to those sections if you prefer.