Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“Affiliate links and product endorsements are a great way for bloggers to earn extra income. They provide a commission on purchases made after clicking the link. Many companies, including ProWritingAid, offer these links to writers.

While affiliate links are commonly used online, their proper and legal usage is not widely understood. I learned this thanks to Carol Tice who pointed out improper use of affiliate links on one of my posts.

As an editor for The Writing Cooperative, I went through submissions we received and saw many of the same mistakes I was making. After a little research, I’ve come up with a few question and answers based on the Federal Trade Commission’s Endorsement Guidelines.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: Telling people you might make a commission on a product or service referral is not a negative. It means you’re confident enough in that product/service to recommend it to your readers and as a bonus, you may receive a commission for it. Besides, it’s the legally right thing to do, so there is that too. 🙂