The Ultimate 10 Step Sales Page Recipe

There are 10 must-have ingredients your sales page needs to showcase. These 10 ingredients can make all the difference for your product launch because they help you get out of your head and into the decision maker of your customer. We’ve seen it happen so many times: a hopeful entrepreneur puts all sorts of work…Continue Reading →

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How NOT to waste your 1,440 minutes today…

“Ultra-successful people “create” more time by using their 1,440 minutes a day effectively. They are purposeful about how they organize their days and weeks, what they take on versus what they delegate, and how they use technology. One strategy ultra-successful people use to remain efficient is to spend a few minutes at the end of…Continue Reading →

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The #1 Way To Protect Yourself From Future Algorithm Changes On Any Social Platform

Facebook just made (yet another) change to their algorithm that has some business owners scrambling to recover. Some might lose everything they’ve worked for, and that’s pretty scary. So here’s how you can Facebook-proof your business moving forward… The big takeaways… The #1 way to protect yourself from future algorithm changes on any social platform.…Continue Reading →

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