Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“So you’re excited about using WordPress’s new Gutenberg editor.

Gutenberg is a great tool that offers flexibility and easy creative options. But what happens to all the posts and pages you have already created on your WordPress sites? Will your content look the same after you enable Gutenberg? And how easy is it to take advantage of all the new features?

I’ll answer those questions in this blog post.

First things first: on the front-end of the website, all your content looks exactly the same as it did before.

The changes you see when using Gutenberg will only be visible when you’re editing content. After upgrading to Gutenberg you will see all the existing content laid out in a plain white block, with the label “Classic” in a light grey bar at the top. ”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: As of this writing, I’m still using the Classic Editor. I’ve added the Classic Editor plugin to all of my current sites and I’m in no hurry to move over to Gutenberg. I use Beaver Builder extensively for my page layouts anyway, so Classic Editor is just fine for me right now. But if Gutenberg’s Blocks interests you, especially for moving existing posts over to Gutenberg, then this is a good article to check out.