Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“At the end of the day, your mission is to generate conversions with your WordPress site. But some visitors are not as easily swayed as others when it comes to pulling the trigger on making a purchase. They know they need the service or product to significantly improve their lives… and, yet, they want to take time to think about it (which is understandable). So, how do you make sure that they don’t lose sight of your business while taking this time to marinate on the purchase?

The best way to do this is to continue providing them with valuable insights and content. If you can stay top-of-mind with these on-the-fence visitors, yours is the brand they’ll think of first when they’re ready to commit.

The only problem now is figuring out how to get in front of them if they haven’t made a purchase. Because, without their email address, there’s no way to reasonably stay in touch without using something like remarketing pixels.

While you could hope that they’ll subscribe to your blog or follow you on social, the incentive there is low if you haven’t already established a long-standing relationship with them. Instead, you need to give them something that inspires them to take your relationship to the next level (i.e. they give you their email address), even if they’re not ready for a full-blown commitment (i.e. they make a purchase).

So, this WordPress tutorial is for those of you who want to learn how to use free PDF downloads to grow your mailing list from your WordPress site. But, first, let’s brainstorm some ideas for these free PDF giveaways…”

Get the free tutorial here.

Done For You Blog Says: Creating a PDF is easy. Creating a PDF that people will trade for their email address is more challenging. Get that right and watch your email list grow quickly.