Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“The term ‘breadcrumbs’ refers to an efficient website navigational tool that (Like Hansel and Gretel taught us) is meant to help trace one’s steps back to a website’s “home” (or homepage). They allow users to see how the current page fits into the whole site structure by providing an inline track of links (or labels) leading all the way back to the homepage.

Breadcrumbs are actually more important to your WordPress Website than you might think. Not only do they enhance user experience, but they also can give your site a bump in the search rankings. Google likes this structural element in a website, and visitors will have crucial navigational help when stumbling upon one of your pages organically (lowering your bounce rate).

You would think that adding such a integrated system of nativation to your website would be difficult, but actually it is pretty simple with the use of a plugin. In fact, if you are using the Yoast SEO plugin, you have a head start because breadcrumbs functionality is already built into Yoast! And, adding breadcrumbs through Yoast is definitely one of the preferred methods out there.”

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: I’m using the Yoast breadcrumbs on this site. You can see them just under the logo at the top left of this page. For most WordPress themes, it’s just a matter of activating the breadcrumbs and your theme will automatically place them for you. I wanted a little more control over placement and styling, so I’m using the Beaver Builder Themer and plugin to display mine.